Transport and Logistics

The sectors of Transport and Logistics are essential to the world’s economy.

Some challenges faced by them are: the pressure for agility and speed in shippings, which demands route planning, preventive maintenance, efficient inspections and cost reduction.

Technology as an ally

In the maritime transport sector, task execution is guided by the use of inspection checklists of operational and structural conditions, expertise to meet norms and requirements, product loading, EPIs checkings, a time-consuming practice nowadays.

That requires that collaborators keep record of their activities as a part of their routine, migrating from the use of paper and boards, gastando tempo num processo moroso.

Optimized routines

When companies implement our solutions to field team management , process digitalization and intelligent workflow, they increase team productivity while their routines are organized.

By using the app, checklists are easily done with evidence records for compliance, pictures and electronic signatures, non-conformity reports and action plans.

The same applies for land transportation of goods, challenged by difficult tasks that require security solution with traceabilityensured. Using We.Check, collaborators in movement are able to collect signatures and get approvals in the app workflow. Therefore, they use routing automatic for the best route to be taken for shipping.

Data collected by teams are tracked in real time in the qualitative dashboardsby managers who have full access to reports , performances, all vendor’s statistics, POS locations and much more.

Other Contributions

Visual reports on .ppt format

Autonomy and facility for managers when creating surveys, forms and sheets

Automatic geolocation scripting that helps managers create intelligent routes

Control panels with analytical KPIs demonstrations

System integration with recurrent data of the market

Incident report with action plans

Warehouse and stock management

Maintenance and tracking of equipments

Fleet management

Expense management

Inspections, audits and much more